Our Services

Management of complex engineering projects

MEM provides management advice for complex engineering projects over a broad range of industries. MEM works with you to develop strategic level systems and processes to resolve complex engineering and business problems.

Risk management

MEM investigates and helps you to identify and prioritise the critical risks for your operations and projects. MEM then works with you to develop and implement appropriate means to manage those risks effectively.

MEM works closely with management and stakeholders to understand your operations and critical success and risk factors.

MEM will guide you through your obligations, facilitate workshops, and help you to develop robust systems and processes to manage these risks.

Incident and emergency response planning

Planning for emergency incidents is another aspect of risk management MEM can help you with.  Many organisations presume that calling 111 will get them the support they need when something goes wrong.  While this is clearly an important element of any reasonable response, there is always a period between calling for emergency services and them arriving. MEM can help you work out what you need to be prepared to do in that period.  We can also liaise directly with emergency services’ communications centres, to make sure they know the nature of your site or facility and any unique information, such as access routes, landing sites, or similar.

Incident response and disaster recovery management

Emergency incidents require a rapid and effective response.  MEM provides advice as part of the disaster recovery team. In the event that you find you’re not as well prepared for an incident as you thought you were, we can support your liaison with emergency services, offer a supportive and independent ear to bounce ideas off when your head is spinning from too many things to do and not enough time or resources to do them with.

MEM provides unique insight and expertise in the management of emergency incident responses gained from Deane’s paramedic perspective and MEM’s extensive involvement in a number of incident response and disaster recovery operations in the South Island.

MEM also understands, from its involvement in the Christchurch and Kaikoura earthquakes, Diana Falls landslide and Pike River Coal Mine explosion, the complex engineering problems and technical systems typically encountered in disaster recovery projects.

Planning consents

MEM provides advice on what planning consents will be required under the Resource Management Act and help you scope your project’s requirements, as the first step in obtaining these consents. 

MEM has expertise in large scale infrastructure projects in the rural environment, particularly focussed on environmentally sensitive areas, which involve a complex array of consents to be obtained from both district and regional councils. 

MEM also provides advice and obtains approvals for concessions from the Department of Conservation, and Archaeological Authorities from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.

Assessment of environmental effects (AEE)

All projects needing planning consents require an assessment of environmental effects (AEE). Identifying the scale of the project’s potential impacts on the environment is an important part of scoping the project.  Many projects addressed by MEM require specialist advice on technical aspects, such as input from ecologists and landscape architects. MEM identifies the appropriate specialists and manages their input into your project, then interprets the (often complex) technical information, and resolves any issues arising as part of our work in preparing the AEE.


All planning consent applications require effective consultation – with neighbours, with conservation agencies, with regulatory authorities such as councils, with local iwi. 

MEM identifies the correct parties to consult with, the best approach to be taken, and then manages the whole process to ensure that the applications are successful, and your relationships with key stakeholders are enhanced.